Who We Are

We are a small vegetable farm located in Knoxville, TN. All of our produce is grown on about 1/4 of an acre in South Knoxville. We produce over 50 different crops and sell directly to the Knoxville community via farmers’ markets and a CSA.

Thining Carrot Seedlings

how we grow

We cultivate plants by focusing on soil (what is under foot) and ecosystem health. By adding amendments such as compost and seaweed extracts, we help develop healthy soil which translates into healthy plants. We never use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Although we are not opposed to the use of machinery, we primarily grow using hand tools and minimal tillage.


Meet The Farmer

Briana Yablonski began working on produce farms in 2014. Since then, she’s had the opportunity to work and learn on farms in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Minnesota, and Tennessee. She began Under Foot Farm in the fall of 2019. Outside of farming, she enjoys biking, hiking, cooking, and hanging with dogs.


Contact us:

Under Foot Farm

Knoxville, TN
